About Squirting: Part 2 – What Is It?

About Squirting by Pixie Pele

Learn about squirting with these links (part 1), (part 3), (part 4).


That moment when a vagina-haver is in a state of ecstasy and suddenly clear fluid gushes or spews out from not-the-vagina. Is it the undiscovered fountain of youth? Or did she just piss herself? What has happened is likely squirting.

Unfortunately for everyone, there’s no one solid, scientific answer. Sex research is criminally underfunded. Especially research on women’s pleasure. I mean, come on. Some of these  guys still aren’t sure the G-spot exists. So you shouldn’t be surprised when I say that research on squirting is disgustingly lacking and there is no definite conclusion as to what it is or how it functions. Is it fluid build up from glands around the urethra? Is it pee? A thing caused by clitoral stimulation? Or pee? Is it caused by vaginal stimulation? Is it pee? Maybe it’s caused by G-spot stimulation? 

IS IT PEE???? 

This is the central question for most people on the subject, and I’m sure that you, lady-person or vagina-haver of other description, have come here to partake of the words of wisdom from a consummate squirter, one who has already walked this path. And my opinion, carefully honed through years of research and personal experience, is this. 

Who the fuck cares? 

The scientists can call me when they get their shit together. And even then, whatever they have to say will be little more than interesting trivia to me. Because this shit feels good, I like it, my partners like it, and I really don’t feel like putting pressure on myself to stop in the middle of sexy times when I feel it coming. I’ll gladly wash a mattress pad occasionally to have the peace of mind needed to relax and let it out. 

Let me emphasize. It feels amazing. Second only to orgasm. Ordinary peeing with a full bladder feels good because it’s releasing pressure in the muscles of the lower abdomen. But with a squirt? All the parts that feel good – my cunt, my clit, all the bits around it – are straining in a shatteringly glorious moment. I’m left drained and often incoherent, a melted puddle of girl goo. 

I’m not the only the who describes the experience this way. Dozens of women wax poetic about how fantastic the experience is and how powerful it makes them feel to accept this part of their sexuality. 

So the real question isn’t “Is it pee?” The real question should be “Why aren’t we listening to and believing these people’s experiences?” 

If squirting isn’t your thing, that’s fine. There are plenty of other articles on here for you to enjoy. But it’s time we treat other people’s understanding of themselves with respect instead of skepticism and mockery.