Top Home Sex Toys Blog – Part 2 – by J

Coming back with a few more items on the Top Home Sex Toys List! Take a look at Top Home Sex Toys – Part 1 when you get a moment as well. Always keep safety in mind. Sometimes getting some toys specifically for sex, even if they were not made specifically for it, is better. Plus, these are not expensive to purchase either. As the quarantine continues, there is still a lot of exploration happening here. When it comes to sex in these times, getting creative is sometimes necessary!

Top Home Sex Toys – Towels

Wet or dry. Have you ever been whipped with a wet towel? Shit can HURT. But if it’s done by a trusted partner, that pain hurts in the best way, especially when it’s accompanied by the sensational “crack” sound that normal whips give off. That “crack” is much more prevalent with the wet towel.  (also, take a look at Parker’s towel folding technique with Kiz, @TheBestKiz on twitter, for maximum effect, also practice on a doorknob or piece of furniture first so you get better at aiming)

            Effect: B (not as easy to control)

            Durability: A (it’s just a towel)

Frozen Water Bottle

Unconventional but effective. Hear me out, it sounds weird. But not only does this “toy” give the proper kind a thud one might be looking for, it’s also COLD AS HECK, so you literally get your ass warm as you cool it down. The sensation is incredible. 

Effect: B (a little awkward to maneuver)

Durability:  A

Top Home Sex Toys – Some Honorable Mentions

Bug Zapping Racquets

Have you made it to Aldi’s yet? I highly recommend their prices, but maybe not for bug zapping racquets. Okay, the product is probably fine if you use it as it’s intended, but my partner had the grand idea of getting into some electricity play and we grabbed one of those racquets for $5 on our last grocery trip. All in all, the anticipation of shock was a lot of fun, but it just didn’t cut it. The sting was there, but after hitting me ONCE with it, it broke. We kept fixing it and it continued to work for a little while, but the effect was just not what we wanted. After a few attempts, we ended up gutting the insides of the racquet and now have another toy to batter me with, because that is some tough ass plastic. Very solid, very nice.

UPDATED: A tip from Parker at OpeningGateways, which will be tried soon, is to ‘Remove the safety rods. It takes some time, but means less hitting for a zap and can help keep the toy in top condition. Make sure to read up on the safety of electric play, thoroughly. If you have not yet, do NOT do electric play.’

Effect: C-  (could change after trying the tips from Parker Rose)

Durability: D (I’d fail it, but we did end up being able to repurpose some of it.)

Knotted T-Shirts

For real, they can pack a punch. Also decals (graphics) on said shirts add extra weight, which is great. 

Effect: B

Durability: B (usually have to re-tie knots after a few hits)

  • This is an odd one. Our TV broke, right after stimulus checks came in, and as my partner still had a job at the time, we decided to invest in a new one. Chuh-ching. BUT what we weren’t expecting was an awesome new toy to play with, that technically was free. Because who looks at packaging for a TV and thinks, “Hmm, yep, this’ll hit REAL nice,” hmm? Well, we do apparently. The sides of the TV had protection, really tough yet thin plastic. We ended up sticking two of them together and BAM. Best toy yet (I put it at the end of the list since we actually did have to buy something). We used them weeks ago, and I still have marks. The sting was incredible, and the bruising lasted much longer than expected.

Effect: A+

Durability: A (haven’t broken’em yet)

At any rate, I hope the quarantine blues haven’t been too harsh on you. Retail therapy can definitely help, so try shopping at home for your next best toy today! Happy kinking 😉 

Notes From Parker Rose

Thanks again for stopping by! Make sure to browse other blogs, by J and by others as well. Part 1 of this blog set has more options, and remember to always research safety whenever trying out a new toy or type of play. Virtual BDSM events are in the works, and for those looking for BDSM events in Ann Arbor and the surrounding areas, Opening Gateways is the top spot! With many options that will be starting back up as things get more safe, Detroit kink groups and Ann Arbor kink groups are standing by. Get more information on BDSM classes in Ann Arbor, Detroit, and online using the tools here as well. Also, stay tuned for some opportunities to get Ann Arbor Sex Toys from places that support Opening Gateways. Thanks!